A refund may be available depending on the fare type purchased. Only fully flexible fares and plus fares are refundable as paid.
If you cancel your flights on our web site the air fare minus penalties (if applicable) are always converted to a credit voucher which along with its associated PIN number will be displayed on the screen and emailed to you automatically.
If your fare is refundable you can have your voucher refunded as paid if you do not plan to use the credit within one year. Please use the form below to do so.
Please note that non-refundable fares will cannot be refunded but will be held in credit for future travel. We would like to advise that upgrading an already booked non-refundable fare to a refundable fare only entitles you to a refund of the fare difference between these two fares. We invite to please read our Terms & Conditions to which you agreed at the time you made your original reservation.
For ease of mind we highly recommend booking our flexible fares. With these fares you can change your flight times and dates at not cost except fare difference if the original fare is not available on your new flight. You can also elect to convert the entire value of your fully flexible fare to a credit voucher and apply it to the same or different routes up to one year from original booking date.
We look forward to flying you to your island destination soon.